Is There Scientific Proof that Prayer Works?

Onyx Family
2 min readJul 2, 2021


Does prayer actually work?

We now have the reports of many scientific studies on prayer. So what are the results? Does prayer really work? Here is what we found through our research. But before we get into that, let’s go back to the basics: what is prayer exactly?

Prayer is our direct line with heaven; it helps us talk to God. He loves when we willingly communicate with Him, like a friend talking to a friend. Think of it like a phone call. Because we can’t Facetime God, our main communication with Him is prayer, which allows us to interact, praise, and worship God.

Now that we know what prayer is, let’s get back to if prayer really works.

When someone who is ill experiences prayer, studies show that it elicits the relaxation response, which lowers blood pressure and other factors heightened by stress. Prayer also inhibits the release of cortisol and other hormones, thus reducing the negative impact of stress on the immune system which promotes healing.

But one could say that is simply psychological, however, studies even show that when people are praying for those who are sick, and the sick person does not know they are being prayed for, many studies show that prayers are still just as effective.

So yes, science is a witness to the effectiveness of prayer and healing. But are these studies, definitive proof that there is a God and do prayers work? Scientifically I would say no. God will not be proved without a shadow of a doubt through scientific evidence. Answered prayers, miracles, and the proof of God’s existence and love have always been a matter of faith.

Throughout history, God has manifested His divine presence and power through many physical miracles, signs, and wonders, and still, God requires faith to accept His working and existence– not science.



Onyx Family

The Onyx Family, America’s African-American family of entertainers, authors, and entrepreneurs, consists of parents, Mirthell and Rita, and their four children.